Crate xtra

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xtra is a tiny, fast, and safe actor system.


pub use self::address::Address;
pub use self::address::Disconnected;
pub use self::address::WeakAddress;


An address to an actor is a way to send it a message. An address allows an actor to be sent any kind of message that it can receive.

A message channel is a channel through which you can send only one kind of message, but to any actor that can handle it. It is like Address, but associated with the message type rather than the actor type.

Commonly used types from xtra

This module contains types representing the strength of an address’s reference counting, which influences whether the address will keep the actor alive for as long as it lives.

Module for the sink equivalents to Address and MessageChannel.

This module contains a trait to spawn actors, implemented for all major async runtimes by default.


A manager for the actor which handles incoming messages and stores the context. Its managing loop can be started with ActorManager::run.

The operation failed because the actor is being shut down

Context is used to control how the actor is managed and to get the actor’s address from inside of a message handler.


Whether to keep the actor running after it has been put into a stopping state.


An actor which can handle Messages one at a time. Actors can only be communicated with by sending Messages through their Addresses. They can modify their private state, respond to messages, and spawn other actors. They can also stop themselves through their Context by calling Context::stop. This will result in any attempt to send messages to the actor in future failing.

A trait indicating that an Actor can handle a given Message asynchronously, and the logic to handle the message.

A message that can be sent to an Actor for processing. They are processed one at a time. Only actors implementing the corresponding Handler<M> trait can be sent a given message.